May 2018

Screening for lung cancer a struggle
Lung cancer has an alarmingly low five-year survival rate, but screening, if implemented well, can improve it.
Medicine's #MeToo movement
Experts see the increase of women involved in medicine as an opportunity to investigate and then implement solutions to combat sexual harassment.
ACP bridges perspectives within internal medicine
ACP can serve as a virtual agora where the different professional branches can draw from their common root of internal medicine, and bridge differences by providing a space where members can talk through and think through different perspectives while remaining connected to patient care.
Finding common ground
Rather than standing on the sidelines, ACP selectively supports or opposes issues based on how closely they compare to our own policy recommendations, as determined by our membership.
Broad efforts needed to reduce alcohol-related traffic deaths
Internists can intervene in alcohol-related traffic deaths by counseling patients against riding with impaired drivers, promoting local sobriety checkpoints, and supporting mass-media campaigns against alcohol-impaired driving, among other measures.
Diabetes remission through diet may be doable, with support
Dietary interventions may be able to send type 2 diabetes into remission, and intensive lifestyle interventions with some help from modern technology means more patients may now have the support they need to accomplish this.
‘New narrative’ for back pain means managing modalities
New modalities to treat low back pain can include alternative treatments like mindfulness meditation, acupuncture, mindful stress reduction, tai chi, yoga, and cognitive behavioral therapy.
FDA warns about clarithromycin in heart disease
This column reviews details on recent recalls, warnings, and approvals.
Gathering of medical women focuses on female health needs
Women's health differs from men's, both generally and in a number of specific conditions, including liver disease, kidney disease, and digestive and eating disorders, and physicians should take these differences into account in their daily practice.
Screening for lung cancer can be easier said than done
This issue also covers sexual harassment in medicine, women's health, and reducing alcohol-related traffic fatalities.
Physician sounds alarm about possible Open Payments errors
A reader responds to coverage about Open Payments.
MKSAP Quiz: Acute onset of fever, chills, cough
A 27-year-old man is evaluated for the acute onset of fever, chills, body aches, and dry cough that began last evening after returning home from trimming timber at a saw mill. He has similar symptoms that have been occurring two to three times a month for the past 3 months. Following a physical exam, pulmonary exam, and chest radiograph, what is the most likely diagnosis?