October 2017

Primary care takes on opioid addiction
There's a lot that primary care clinicians can do to treat opioid addiction, but stigma about the condition, as well as laws and other regulations, throw up barriers.
Consensus lacking on lifestyle and dementia
Boosting exercise, controlling blood pressure, and pursuing cognitive training are likely to lower the risk for cognitive decline and dementia in the long term, although the evidence is not conclusive.
A good month to raise the rates
There are several important revisions for adult immunizations, including not using the live attenuated influenza vaccine for the 2017-2018 flu season.
Why ACP must speak out against discrimination
While the country has surely made enormous progress in the past half-century in advancing equality and diversity, it's important to remember history when we consider the medical profession's obligation now to challenge discriminatory policies.
Is self-monitoring of blood glucose still needed for diabetes?
Self-monitoring of blood glucose could become more of a targeted therapy than a blanket approach, with individual factors determining its value, experts say.
Integrative medicine makes gains in back pain
An ACP clinical practice guideline officially recommended noninvasive and nonpharmacologic treatments for patients with acute low back pain who are not at risk for serious underlying conditions.
Treating opioid addiction in primary care
This issue covers treating opioid addiction in primary care, counseling lifestyle habits to prevent cognitive dementia, and low back pain.
Patient engagement is more than a catchphrase
When physicians and patients have a more meaningful relationship, it improves physician satisfaction and patient outcomes.
Bariatric surgery device linked to deaths
This column reviews details on recent recalls, warnings, and approvals.
MKSAP Quiz: 3-week history of discharge
A 63-year-old woman is evaluated for a 3-week history of vaginal discharge. The discharge is described as yellowish and malodorous and is accompanied by burning and dyspareunia. She is postmenopausal and is sexually active with a new male partner. Following a physical exam and saline microscopy, what is the most appropriate additional intervention?