July/August 2017

Prediabetes: What can doctors call it?
Internists know to screen patients for diabetes, but may be unsure how to manage patients whose blood glucose levels are higher than normal but fall below the cutoff of the disease.
Caring for veterans outside the VA system
About three-fourths of nearly 22 million veterans get some or all of their outpatient medical treatment outside the VA health system, creating a need for identifying these patients in a practice and screening for potential physical and mental symptoms.
Consider seniors and the role they might play in ACP
ACP's senior members have an enormous amount to offer.
Four days in May
Leadership Day on Capitol Hill, when more than 400 ACP members met with their senators and representatives to advocate for College priorities, occurred against a backdrop of historic events.
High-value care a focus at Hospital Medicine 2017
Hospital Medicine 2017 featured advice on providing high-value care, from how to talk about the concept with patients to which tests and screens to give and which drugs to stop.
Clearing patients for takeoff a new duty for internists
More than 100,000 pilots annually can now request a comprehensive physical examination and medication review from any state-licensed physician. What should internists look for when faced with such a request?
Leadership Day 2017 prioritizes patient protection
Four hundred Leadership Day attendees from 47 states and Washington, D.C., met with 107 members of Congress and their staffs during more than 400 meetings on Capitol Hill to encourage the goal of protecting patients.
New drug treats cancer based on biomarker, not location
This column reviews details on recent recalls, warnings, and approvals.
Ensuring quality referrals and effective care coordination
Effective two-way communication between primary and subspecialty care practices can improve referrals and care coordination for both by making some basic infrastructure adjustments.
Specialization in medical education
A letter to the editor addresses the primary care shortage in medical education.
New insulin pumps offer continuous monitoring
Next-generation insulin pumps will feature sophisticated computer algorithms that automatically calculate and administer precise doses of insulin, but will not replace proper physician care, which is the source of their success.
Chapter awardees for winter and spring 2017
In recognition of their outstanding service, these exceptional individuals received chapter awards in the winter/spring of 2017.
DynaMed Plus Quiz: Breast cancer screening
Test yourself with this quiz from DynaMed Plus.
Prediabetes presents puzzles in clinical practice
This issue covers the use of the term ‘prediabetes', non-VA care for veterans, and a wrap-up of ACP's Leadership Day.