June 2017

What works well for weight loss
Nutrition and weight loss have become crucial issues to internists. Learn how one specialist manages her patients.
Questions, answers on certification
A session outlined how a new Maintenance of Certification process will work. Starting in 2018, eligible physicians certified in internal medicine will be offered the choice of taking an assessment every two years or every 10 years.
Internal Medicine Meeting 2017
Internal Medicine Meeting 2017 was held this spring from March 31-April 1 in San Diego and hosted over 9,700 attendees. Check out the events in this slideshow.
Another tag line—almost as good
ACP's president addresses the investment in and commitment to bedside diagnosis and physical exam skills.
Relax, kick off your shoes, and examine common foot disorders
To diagnose foot pain, start with its location, hindfoot, midfoot, or forefoot, according to one physician who treats military members and other high-performance athletes.
High-value management of patients with GI symptoms
Gastroesophageal reflux disease, rectal bleeding, and chronic diarrhea can be controlled better by applying high-value care.
Tiny ticks, big myths: Lyme disease pearls
Six easy pearls can help with the growing and controversial elements of treating Lyme disease.
Tips for using statins, PCSK9 inhibitors in chronic CAD
Guidelines for reducing cardiovascular risk are shifting with the evidence.
The truth about Popeye and other iron tidbits
Green leafy vegetables, tofu, and lentils are all good sources of iron, but iron is most effectively absorbed when it is heme-based, as in red meat.
First drug approved for tardive dyskinesia
This column reviews details on recent recalls, warnings, and approvals.
MKSAP Quiz: Follow-up on ED visit
A 31-year-old man is evaluated for follow-up 2 days after an emergency department visit for palpitations. He reports intermittent palpitations and occasional episodes of shortness of breath. What is the most appropriate next step in management?
Chronic care management codes worthwhile if done right
To ensure proper billing of the chronic care management codes, it is important that clinical staff or clinicians keep a record of time spent with participating patients and that the care coordination is appropriately documented and clinically necessary.
Letter to the editor: politics and patient care
Readers respond to recent coverage about ACP advocacy and its direct impact on patient care.
ACP's ‘big tent’ advocacy agenda
ACP's advocacy on legislative and regulatory issues extends beyond partisan political debates and is meant to help physicians in their pursuit of clinical care.
Weight loss, MOC featured in meeting coverage
This issue covers the wrap-up of news from Internal Medicine Meeting 2017.