January 2017

Act early to counter rise in osteoporosis
Recent studies indicate that late-life bone resiliency has been eroding, and newly released guidelines suggest diagnostic and treatment strategies to counteract that slide among women.
Feeding nutrition into your practice
Internists routinely ask patients about smoking and drinking, but should they also ask about eating habits?
Vigilance needed to combat osteoporosis
This issue covers such topics as osteoporosis, nutrition, vertigo, and opioids and medical education.
Climate change and consultation training
Readers weigh in on climate change and the best way to prepare med students as future consultants.
Advice for physicians requesting air medical transport
When picturing air medical transport, many people think of helicopters, but there are often other options.
Corticosteroids have fallen out of favor for COPD care
A single study has gone a long way toward changing clinical practices.
Differentiating ‘dizziness' and vertigo
Because patients use these two terms to describe a broad range of sensations, the symptom can pose a diagnostic challenge.
Warning on steroids; approval for soft-tissue sarcoma drug
This column reviews a warning on testosterone and other anabolic androgenic steroids and approval of a new drug to treat certain adults with soft-tissue sarcoma.
Medical schools respond to the opioid epidemic
Until very recently, medical schools offered little or no training in addiction medicine.
After the election, a time for reflection
The new administration the Congress will force us to rethink our priorities, values, and approach to economic, geopolitical, environmental, educational, religious, and social issues.
DynaMed Plus image quiz: CT scan
What is the most likely cause of the findings in this high-resolution CT scan?
What the Trump administration can learn from Obama
The idea that the GOP can come up with a quick and easy plan to replace the ACA is just not realistic. It is going to be a hard slog, not a sprint.