Nominees named for College Officer and Regent positions
The Governance Committee of the American College of Physicians places in nomination candidates for President-elect, Treasurer, and other positions.
The Governance Committee of the American College of Physicians places in nomination the following candidates:
2016-2017 President-elect
Darilyn V. Moyer, MD, FACP, Lafayette Hill, Pa.

Medical school: Temple University School of Medicine, 1985.
Residency: Temple University Hospital, 1985-1988; chief resident, 1988-1989.
Fellowship: Harbor-UCLA Medical Center, infectious diseases, 1990-1992.
Certification: Infectious diseases, 1992-present; internal medicine, 1988-present.
ACP Fellowship: 2007.
Present positions: Assistant dean for graduate medical education, Temple University School of Medicine, 2008-present; executive vice-chair for education, department of medicine, Temple University Hospital and School of Medicine, 2006-present; residency program director, internal medicine residency training program, Temple University Hospital, 2005-present.
Current activities: Outpatient and inpatient internal medicine, direct clinical care, teaching, administration.
ACP activities: Governor-elect, Southeastern Pennsylvania Region, 2009-2010; Education Committee, 2010-2012; Governor, Southeastern Pennsylvania Region, 2010-2014; Chair-elect, Chapters Subcommittee, 2010-2011; Chair, Chapters Subcommittee, 2011-2013; Executive Committee of the Board of Governors, 2011-present; Chair-elect designee, Board of Governors, 2012-2013; Chair-elect, Board of Governors, 2013-2014; Board of Regents, 2013-present; Executive Committee of the Board of Regents, 2013-2015; Immediate Past Chair, Board of Governors, 2014-present; Chair, Health and Public Policy Committee, 2015-present.
2016-2019 Treasurer
Robert H. Lohr, MD, FACP, Rochester, Minn.

Medical school: Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine, Chicago, 1976.
Residency: Hennepin County Medical Center, Minneapolis, 1976-1979; chief resident, 1980.
Certification: Internal medicine, 1979.
ACP Fellowship: 1989.
Present position: Assistant professor of medicine, Mayo Clinic College of Medicine.
Current patient care activities: Hospital internal medicine, staffing the medicine consultation service at Mayo Clinic Hospital St. Mary's and Methodist Campuses.
ACP activities: Board of Regents, 2012-present; Governance Committee, 2012-2014; Chair, Chapters Subcommittee, 2010-2011; Executive Committee of the Board of Governors, 2010-2011; Governor, Minnesota Chapter, 2007-2011; Governor-elect, Minnesota Chapter, 2006-2007; Health and Public Policy Committee, 2014-present; Volunteerism Committee, 2014-present.
Incumbent Regent nominees
The incumbents, listed in alphabetical order, nominated for a second term of 2 years to expire in 2018, are:
Andrew Dunn, MD, FACP, New York City

Medical school: New York University School of Medicine.
Residency: Mount Sinai Medical Center in New York, 1993-1995.
Certification/recertification: Internal medicine, 1995.
ACP Fellowship: 2001.
Present positions: Mount Sinai Medical Center, professor of medicine and chief of the division of hospital medicine.
ACP activities: New York Chapter Health and Public Policy Committee, 1997-2007; New York Chapter Women and Heart Disease Advisory Group, 2001-2003; New York Chapter Communications Committee, 2001-2008; Editor, New York Chapter Newsletter, 2001-2008; New York Chapter Council, 2002-2005; New York Chapter's Program Planning Committee, 2002, 2004-2006, 2008; Governor-elect, New York Chapter, Manhattan-Bronx Region, 2010-2011; Governor, New York Chapter, Manhattan-Bronx Region, 2011-2015; Chair-elect, Board of Governors, 2014-2015; Vice-chair, Financial Policy and Audit Committee, 2014-present; Governance Committee, 2014-2015; Chair, Board of Governors, 2015-2016.
Carrie A. Horwitch, MD, FACP, Seattle

Medical school: Sackler School of Medicine, Tel Aviv, 1983-1985; University of Arizona School of Medicine, 1985-1987.
Residency: Good Samaritan Medical Center, Phoenix, 1987-1990; Diploma of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene, London School of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene, 1992.
Fellowship: Health Services Research and Development-VA Puget Sound, Seattle, 1996-1998.
Certification/recertification: Internal medicine, 1990, 2000, 2010.
ACP Fellowship: 2004.
Present positions: Key clinical faculty, Virginia Mason Medical Center, and clinical associate professor of medicine and health services, University of Washington.
ACP activities: Executive Committee, Board of Governors Class 2014 representative; Vice-chair, Ethics, Professionalism, and Human Rights Committee, 2013-2014; Clinical Skills Committee, 2008-present (Chair, 2012-present); Executive Committee of Board of Governors, 2010-2012; ACP representative for the Institutes of Medicine/Association of State and Territorial Health Officials primary care/public health collaboration project, 2012-present; High Value Care Task Force, 2011-present; Governor-elect, Washington State Chapter, 2009-2010; Governor, Washington State Chapter, 2010-2014; Board of Regents, 2014-present; Health and Public Policy Committee, 2015-present.
Wendy Levinson, MD, FACP, Toronto

Medical school: McMaster University, Hamilton, Ontario, Canada, 1976.
Residency: McGill University, 1976-1979; Good Samaritan Hospital and Medical Center, Portland, Ore., 1981-1982.
Board certification/recertification: Internal medicine, 1982, 2008.
ACP Fellowship: 1989.
Present positions: Professor of medicine, University of Toronto, and chair, Choosing Wisely Canada.
ACP activities: Board of Regents, 2014-present; Chair, International Council, 2014-present.
New Regent nominees—Governor slate (2 to be elected)
Eileen D. Barrett, MD, MPH, FACP, Albuquerque, N.M.
Thomas A. Bledsoe, MD, FACP, Providence, R.I.
Alice L. Fuisz, MD, FACP, Washington, D.C.
Soma Wali, MD, FACP, Porter Ranch, Calif.
New Regent Nominees—Non-Governor slate (2 to be elected)
Joseph M. Li, MD, FACP, Boston.
Richard J. Simons, MD, MACP, Washington, D.C.
Outgoing Regents and Treasurer
The College thanks Dennis W. Cope, MD, FACP, and Talmadge E. King Jr., MD, MACP, Regents, and Robert A. Gluckman, MD, FACP, Treasurer, for their service and dedication. Their terms expire in May 2016.
2016-2017 Board of Regents Chair-elect and Chair and ACP President
At its November meeting, the Board of Regents will elect its 2016-2017 Chair-elect. Thomas G. Tape, MD, FACP, current Chair-elect of the Board of Regents, and Nitin S. Damle, MD, MS, FACP, President-elect, will assume office as Chair of the Board of Regents and President, respectively, at the conclusion of the Annual Business Meeting at Internal Medicine Meeting 2016 in Washington, D.C.
2016-2017 Board of Governors Chair and Chair-elect Designee
Douglas M. DeLong, MD, FACP, will take office as Chair of the Board of Governors in May 2016.
Thomas G. Cooney, MD, MACP, has been elected Chair-elect Designee for the Board of Governors. He will officially take office as Chair-elect in May 2016.