June 2015

Changing thinking on chronic fatigue
A recent report might shed some diagnostic insight on the profound fatigue, unrefreshing sleep, and other nagging symptoms that could indicate myalgic encephalomyelitis/chronic fatigue syndrome.
Guidelines diminish cholesterol worries
Physicians can expect questions from patients confused by a committee's report stating that dietary cholesterol should no longer be considered “a nutrient of concern for overconsumption.”.
Ebola outbreak holds lessons for world health community
U.S. physicians who traveled to Africa to combat Ebola there brought home lessons for the world health community.
Top 10 afib pearls manage cardiology's ‘bread and butter’
Atrial fibrillation has been called “the bread and butter” of cardiology, and a condition that impacts all aspects of internal medicine practice.
A talk on giving talks: Tips to ace medical lectures
Speakers can impact retention, as well as control (at least to some degree) which part of a talk stays with listeners, said one expert lecturer.
Imperturbability, preparation for internal medicine's future
Student well-being and resiliency should be part and parcel of medical training, and this lifelong learning will help them overcome some of the burnout issues facing medicine today.
With SGR dead and buried, what's next for ACP advocacy?
Removing the sustainable growth rate formula frees up physician advocacy organizations to talk to Congress about other important issues that otherwise would have been overshadowed, such as the Primary Care Incentive Payment Program.
Chronic fatigue syndrome gets new criteria
This issue covers topics including chronic fatigue, dietary cholesterol, and conference coverage about managing afib and giving medical lectures.
What prescribers need to know about Medicare Part D
Effective July 1, 2015, physicians who prescribe drugs to Part D enrollees must either be enrolled in Medicare or have a valid opt-out affidavit on file in order for the prescriptions to be paid for.
Warning on using hep C drugs with amiodarone
This update covers combining amiodarone, sofosbuvir, and another direct-acting antiviral for hepatitis C, as well as the approval of a non-invasive test to aid in the diagnosis of gastroparesis.
1965-1974: ACP faces angry students, new specialists
ACP's sixth decade witnesses the founding of new specialties, new technological advances, and even a student protest.
Governance Committee seeks 2016 Regent, Treasurer candidates
The Governance Committee is beginning the process of seeking Regents and a Treasurer to join the Board of Regents in 2016.
MKSAP Quiz: 3-week history of progressive fatigue
A 28-year-old previously healthy woman is evaluated in the hospital for a 3-week history of progressive fatigue, dyspnea with exertion, and easy bruisability. What is the most likely diagnosis?.