June 2013

How to start and stop bisphosphonates
A new online tool and a few simple rules can inform internists how to start bisphosphonates and when to consider taking a drug holiday at the request of another physician, a dentist or even the patient.
Don't be anxious about psychiatric diagnoses
Tips can help physicians with the screening and treatment of mental disorders seen in primary care, including somatoform, bipolar and anxiety disorders.
‘Party drugs' require hard work to spot and treat
Taking a history is important for identifying abuse of some drugs that aren't caught by screening tests but may still have serious consequences for users.
Making sense of movement disorders
From uncontrollable urges to move to a struggle to make even basic gestures, movement disorders cover a wide range of problems.
Contraception review offers solutions to a perennial problem
Half of all pregnancies in the U.S. are unintended, a figure on par with developing countries. Women often think they are not at risk of getting pregnant when they most certainly are.
Graduate medical education and the new accreditation system
Residency program directors serve an intimidating number of masters, leading them to worry about the “go-live” of the new accreditation system for graduate medical education.
Firearms vote shows the worst of Washington politics
Washington, D.C., politics has become so dysfunctional that the federal government is no longer capable of solving great problems such as firearms-related injuries and deaths, the federal deficit and debt fueled by unsustainable health care spending.
New ABIM leader looks forward to changes, challenges
The American Board of Internal Medicine's incoming president and CEO discusses his medical career and personal influences.
Annual meeting coverage highlights physical, mental conditions
ACP's annual meeting offered a large variety of learning and networking opportunities.
Begin to apply ICD-10 in real-life practice
CMS has begun to apply ICD-10 coding standards more concretely, such as adding them to future versions of its coverage policies.
Reducing the risks of opioid management
Patients with known drug-seeking behavior can be managed by establishing and closely following office procedures.
More compounded products recalled, diabetes drug approved
This regulatory update covers a recall of a compounding pharmacy's products due to mold and approval of a sodium-glucose co-transporter for diabetes.
Governance Committee seeks Regent candidates for 2014
ACP's Governance Committee is beginning the process of seeking Regents to join the Board in May 2014.
Crossed Words: Toxic assets
ACP Internist's puzzle feature challenges readers to seek answers to clues placed horizontally in rows to reveal an answer written vertically.
MKSAP Quiz: High BP and oral contraception
A 27-year-old woman is evaluated during a follow-up visit for high blood pressure that manifested 4 months after she began taking an oral contraceptive pill. Despite stopping the oral contraceptive pill, her blood pressure has remained high. Following a physical exam, lab results and a kidney angiogram, what is the most appropriate next step in management?.