Nominees named for College Officer and Regent positions
Nominations for ACP President and Board of Regents.
The Governance Committee of the American College of Physicians places in nomination the following candidates:
2012-2013 President-elect
Molly Cooke, MD, FACP, San Francisco

Medical school: Stanford University School of Medicine
Resident in internal medicine, University of California, San Francisco 1977-1980; chief resident, UCSF, 1980-1981
Certification: ABIM 1980, with voluntary recertification in 1994 and 2005
Present position: Professor of Medicine, William G. Irwin Endowed Chair, Division of General Internal Medicine, University of California, San Francisco School of Medicine
ACP activities: Member, 1983-present. Fellow, 1986. Planning committee, Northern California chapter meeting, 1995, 1997-1998, 2001. HIV committee for MKSAP 11, 1995-1997. Executive Committee Northern California chapter, 2001-present. Chapter meeting Chair, 2002. Governor-elect, Northern California chapter, 2004-2005. Governor, Northern California chapter, 2005-2009. All-California ACP Service (C-6), Board of Directors, 2005-2009. Board of Governors, Member, 2005-2010; Chair-elect 2008-2009; Chair 2009-2010; Executive Committee Board of Governors, 2008-2010. Health and Public Policy Committee, Member, 2005-2008; Vice-chair, 2006-2008. Financial Policy and Audit Committee member, 2008-present; Vice-chair, 2008-2009, liaison to the ACP Foundation Finance Committee 2010-present. Strategic Planning Committee member, 2008-2010; Vice-chair, 2008-2009. Board of Regents member 2008-present; Executive Committee Board of Regents, 2008-2010; Board of Regents Governance Reorganization Task Force, 2009. Search Committee, Editor-in-Chief of Annals of Internal Medicine, 2008-2009. Search Committee, Executive Vice President and CEO, 2010. Governance Policy Committee, 2010-2011. ACP 100th Anniversary Celebration planning committee, 2011-present. Education and Publications Committee 2011-present, chair 2011-present. ACP Services Political Action Committee Board of Directors, 2008-2011.
Incumbent Regent Nominees
The incumbents, listed in alphabetical order, nominated for a second term of two years to expire in 2014, are:
Dawn E. Clancy, MD, MSCR, FACP, Johns Island, S.C.

Medical school/residency: Medical University of South Carolina
Certification: 1989 (internal medicine)
Present position: Medical Director of Physicians Health Solutions at Palmetto Wellness Center
ACP activities: 2010-2012 Member, Board of Regents; 2006-2010, Governor, South Carolina chapter; 2006-2008 Member, Chapters Subcommittee; 2008-2009 Member, Governors' Subcommittee on Nominations; 2008-2009 Member, Nominations Committee; National Special Recognition as One of Top Ten Key Contacts of the Year, 2002-2009.
Robert A. Gluckman, MD, FACP, Beaverton, Ore.

Medical school: Pritzker Medical School, University of Chicago
Residency: Michael Reese Hospital, Chicago
Certification: 1985 (internal medicine)
Present position: Chief Medical Officer, Providence Health Plans
ACP activities: 2009-present, Board of Regents; 2010-present, Treasurer, ACP Services, Inc.; 2010-present, Medical Practice and Quality Committee; 2010-present, Governance Committee; 2010, Vice-chair, ACP Services PAC; 2008-2010, Awards Committee; 2006-2010, Health and Public Policy Committee; 2005-2010 Board of Directors, ACP Services PAC; 2007-2009 Executive Committee Board of Governors; 2005-2009 Board of Governors; 2005-2006, Volunteerism Subcommittee; 2000-2001, Managed Care Subcommittee Distinguished Service Award; 2010 National ACP Services Political Action Committee; 2006, Oregon Chapter Co-recipient, Community Service Award; 1999, H. P. Lewis Distinguished Service Award.
Tanveer P. Mir, MD, MACP, New Hyde Park, N.Y.

Medical school: University of Kashmir, Government Medical College, India
Residency: Long Island Jewish Medical Center, New York
Certification/recertification: Internal medicine; geriatric medicine; hospice and palliative medicine (current)
Present position: Associate Chief, Palliative and Geriatric Medicine, Long Island Jewish Medical Center; Associate Professor of Medicine, Hofstra North Shore-LIJ School of Medicine
ACP activities: 2009-2012, Board of Regents; 2011-present, International Council; 2009-2012, Awards Committee (Chair, 2010-2012); 2009-2010, Marketing and Communications Committee; 2010-2011, Ethics, Professionalism and Human Rights Committee; 2010-2012, Clinical Guidelines Committee; 2008, Master of the American College of Physicians; 2006-2008, Nominations Committee; 2004-2008, International Sub-Committee; 2002 Laureate Award, New York ACP-ASIM; 2000, Credentials Committee; 1999-2001, Interim Governor, Downstate III New York.
Wayne J. Riley, MD, MPH, MBA, MACP, Nashville, Tenn.

Medical school: Morehouse School of Medicine, Atlanta
Residency: Baylor College of Medicine, Houston
Certification: 1996 (internal medicine); Recertification 2006
Present position: President and Chief Executive Officer and Professor of Internal Medicine, Meharry Medical College
ACP activities: 2009-present, Regent; 2009-present, Awards Committee; 2011, Financial Policy Committee; 2009, Master of the American College of Physicians; 2006-2007, Governor-Elect, Texas Southern Region; 1996-2001, Health and Public Policy Committee; 1995-1996, 1994-1996, Council of Associates (Vice-chair, 1995-1996).
Valerie E. Stone, MD, MPH, FACP, Quincy, Mass.

Medical school: Yale University School of Medicine, New Haven, Conn.
Residency: Case Western Reserve University Hospitals
Fellowship: Health Services Research, Harvard Medical School; Infectious Disease, Boston University Hospitals
Present position: Professor of Medicine, Harvard Medical School; Associate Chief, General Medicine Division, Massachusetts General Hospital
ACP activities: 2011-present, Awards Committee; 2011-present, 100th Anniversary Committee Member; 2010-present, Board of Regents; 2010-present, Education, Quality and Publications Committee Member; 2000-2006, ACP Representative on Residency Review Committee for Internal Medicine of the ACGME; 1997, Fellow of the American College of Physicians.
David A. Fleming, MD, MA, FACP, Columbia, Mo.

Medical school: University of Missouri School of Medicine, Columbia, Mo.
Residency: University of Missouri School of Medicine, Columbia, Mo.
Certifications: 1980 (internal medicine); 1992 (geriatric medicine)
Present positions: Professor and Chairman, Department of Internal Medicine; Director, MU Center for Health Ethics; University of Missouri School of Medicine, Columbia, Mo.
ACP activities: Chair-elect, Board of Governors 2010-2011; Chair, Board of Governors 2011-2012; Board of Regents 2010-2011; 2009-2012, Executive Committee, Board of Governors; 2010-2011, Governance Policy Committee; 2010-2012, Finance Committee (Vice-chair, 2010-2011); 2009, Evergreen Award for member outreach as Governor of the Missouri Chapter; 2008, Evergreen Award for innovative student involvement activities as Governor of the Missouri Chapter; 2007-2010, Health and Public Policy Committee (Vice-chair, 2008-2010); 1998-2003, Ethics and Human Rights Committee; 2001-2002, Foundation Program Development Committee and Grants Subcommittee; 2002-2006, Foundation Programs Committee; 1986, Fellow of the American College of Physicians; 2008-2011, Chapter Excellence Awards; Missouri Chapter Laureate Award Winner 2011.
First-term Regent Nominees
The following have been nominated to run for a first term of two years to expire in 2014.
Governor Slate (two to be elected)
Dennis W. Cope, MD, FACP, Sylmar, Calif.
Barry Z. Izenstein, MD, FACP, Longmeadow, Mass.
Robert H. Lohr, MD, FACP, Rochester, Minn.
Walter F. Schlech III, MD, MACP, Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada
Richard J. Simons, MD, FACP, Hershey, Pa.
Non-Governor Pool (one to be elected)
Jeffrey G. Wiese, MD, FACP, New Orleans
The College thanks Thomas D. DuBose, Jr., MD, MACP, Donald W. Hatton, MD, FACP, Michele G. Cyr, MD, FACP, Faith T. Fitzgerald, MD, MACP, Jose Rodriguez-Portales, MD, FACP and Kevin B. Weiss, MD, FACP, whose terms as Regent will expire, for their service and dedication.