Officer and Regent election results announced
Election results include the Chair-elect, Board of Regents, two new regents and the Chair-elect Designee, Board of Governors.
The election of Officers and Regents has been completed. Terms become effective at the conclusion of the Annual Business Meeting at Internal Medicine 2011 in San Diego.
If you have any questions regarding the election, please e-mail Florence Moore.
2011-2012 Chair-elect, Board of Regents
Phyllis A. Guze, FACP, Riverside, Calif.

Medical school: University of Southern California Keck School of Medicine, 1967-1971.
Residency: Internal medicine, Harbor-UCLA Medical Center, Torrance, Calif., 1971-1974.
Fellowship: Infectious diseases, Harbor-UCLA Medical Center, Torrance, Calif. 1974-1976.
Certification: Internal medicine, 1974; infectious diseases, 1976.
Present position: Associate Vice Chancellor, Health Affairs, and Senior Executive Dean, School of Medicine, University of California, Riverside, Calif., 2010-present.
Current patient care activities: 10%; current activities in administration, research and teaching: administration, 70%, teaching, 20%.
Previous positions: Chair, Department of Medicine, VA Greater Los Angeles Healthcare System, 1986-2005; Executive Vice Chair for Affiliated Programs, Department of Medicine, David Geffen School of Medicine at UCLA, 1991-2005; Dean for Education, David Geffen School of Medicine at UCLA, 1991-1995.
Previous and current ACP activities: Education, Quality and Publications Policy Committee, Chair 2010-2012; ACP-AAIM Collaboration Workgroup, 2010-present; Regent, 2008-2011; ACPNet, ACP's practice-based primary care network, 2007-present; Executive Committee Board of Governors, 2007-2008; Board of Governors Class 2008 Representative, 2007-2008; Vice Chair, ACP Education Committee, 2005-2009; Member, ACP Publications Committee, 2004-2008; California Health and Public Policy Committee, 2000-2003, 2004-2008; Member, ACP-ASIM Residency and Fellowship Accreditation Work Group, 1999; Southern California Region I Chapter, Governor, 2004-2008; Governor's Advisory Committee, 1989-2004; Chair, Website Development Committee, 1999-2001; Governors' Nominating Committee, 1991; Chair, Chapter Annual Meeting, 1990; Chair, California Regional Health and Public Policy Committee, 1989-1991; Southern California Student Affairs Committee, 1980-1981; Fellowship, 1980.
Service to other organizations: Association of Program Directors in Internal Medicine, Task Force for Award for Medical Education, 2007-2008; Long Range Planning Committee, 1997-2005; Program Planning Committee, 2002-2004; Nominations Committee, 2004-2005; President, 2003-2004; Councilor, 1993-1996/1998-1999; Alliance for Academic Internal Medicine, Chair, Board of Directors, 2003-2004; Co-Chair, Governance Committee, 2004-2005.
Honors and awards: UCLA School of Medicine, Outstanding Teacher Award, 1976; Harbor-UCLA Medical Service, Outstanding Teacher Award, 1978; West Los Angeles VAMC Department of Medicine, Outstanding Teacher of the Year Award, 1983, 1984, 1987, 1988; UCLA School of Medicine, Outstanding Teacher Award, 1991; UCLA School of Medicine, Award for Excellence in Education, 1991; UCLA School of Medicine, Award of Merit for Teaching Excellence, 1992; UCLA School of Medicine, Excellence in Teaching, 1994; UCLA School of Medicine, Sherman M. Mellinkoff Faculty Award, 1995; Alpha Omega Alpha Distinguished Teacher Award, 1995; UCLA, Harriet and Charles Luckman Distinguished Faculty Teaching Award, 1996; West Los Angeles VAMC Department of Medicine Appreciation Award for Dedication and Teaching, Internal Medicine, 2002; Student Named Award, American College of Physicians-American Society of Internal Medicine, UCLA Certificate of Merit for Excellence in Scholarship, Leadership, Training and Humanistic Qualities, 2002; Veterans Administration David M. Worthen Award for Academic Excellence, 2005; UCLA Alumna and Aesculapians Award for Distinguished Service, 2005.
Strengths, based on training and experience: Graduate medical education, government relations, management, mentoring and development of faculty.
New Regents elected with a term to expire in 2013
Nitin S. Damle, FACP, Wakefield, R.I.

Medical school: Wayne State University, Detroit
Residency: Brown University Affiliated Hospitals, Providence, R.I.
ACP Fellowship: April 1993
Certification: ABIM, 1988
Present position: Senior partner/internist at South County Internal Medicine Inc.
Current patient care activities: General internal medicine: 80%, current activities in administration: 10%, current research and teaching: 10%.
Previous and current ACP activities: Executive Council, 2005-2007; Governor, Rhode Island Chapter, 2007-2011; Vice Chair, Publications Committee, 2008-2009; Vice Chair, Education, Quality and Publications Policy Committee, 2009-present; Member, Resolutions Task Force, 2009; Member, Resolutions Review Committee, 2010; Chair, Resolutions Review Committee, 2010 (introduced three Resolutions all adopted as policy by the Board of Regents; Member, Search Committee for Senior Vice President of Medical Education and Publishing; Chapter Excellence Award, 2007-2009; Evergreen Award for the Patient-Centered Medical Home Summit, 2009; Speaker, Board of Governors Plenary Session 2008, The Patient-Centered Medical Home/The Rhode Island Experience, EQPPC Report at Governors' Webinar, June 2010; Chapter Management Series Webinar on Innovative Chapter Activity, September 2010; Practice Management Series to Brown University internal medicine residents 2009-present.
Service to other organizations: Board of Directors, Quality Institute of Rhode Island, 2005-present; Vice President, Rhode Island Medical Society, 2009-2010; President Elect, Rhode Island Medical Society, 2010-2011; South County Hospital, Board of Trustees 2001-present, Finance Committee 2008-2010.
Other appointments/activities: Governance Committee, South County Hospital Board of Trustees, 2007-present; Professional Liability Physician Review Committee, Rhode Island Medical Society, 2009-present; Consultant, Internal Medicine, University of Rhode Island Health Services, 1989-present; Juror, Certification Commission for Health Information Technology, 2006-present; Physician Consultant, E Health Initiative, 2006; Co-investigator, Diagnosis and Pathogenesis of Lyme Disease Partners/Massachusetts General Hospital, 2005-present; Health Columnist, Independent Newspapers, 2001-present; Consultant, Maximus Center for Health Dispute Resolution, 2001-present; Consultant, Gerson Lehrman Investment Group, 2006-present.
Areas of expertise: Publications, private practice, physician payment, management, investments, health and public policy, budget/finance, national health reform, communications/marketing.
Kelley M. Skeff, MACP, PhD, Stanford, Calif.

Medical school: University of Colorado, 1970
Internship: Harbor General Hospital, Torrance, Calif.; Junior Resident, University of Colorado Medical School, Denver.
Senior Resident, Stanford University School of Medicine; Stanford, Calif.;
Fellowship in General Internal Medicine, Stanford, Calif.
ACP Mastership: 2004.
Certification: 1976.
Present position: George DeForest Barnett Professor of Medicine, Vice Chair for Education, Department of Medicine, Stanford University; Co-Director, Stanford Faculty Development Center.
Current patient care activities, 10%; administration, 30%; teaching, 30%; research, 30%.
Previous and current ACP activities: American College of Physicians-Federated Council of Internal Medicine's Curriculum Project, 1994; Search Committee for ACP's Senior Vice President for Education, 1995; Advisory Group Member, American College of Physicians, Community Based Teaching Project, 1995; Program Director, ACP Northern California Annual Regional Meeting, 1999; Regional Program Directors Task Force for ACP Regional Meeting, 2009; ACP Northern California Chief Resident Teaching Improvement Seminars, 2009-2010.
Service to other organizations: National Board of Medical Examiners Test Committee, Part III, 1987-1988; National Council Member, Society of General Internal Medicine, 1991-1994; American Board of Internal Medicine: Committee on the Marginal Resident, 1998-2000; Veterans Administration Advisory Group: Robert Wood Johnson Initiative in End-of Life Care Education, 1998-1999; National Board of Medical Examiners, Committee on Evaluation of Professionalism, 2005-2007; Planning Committee for AAMC: New Horizons Project, 2010.
Areas of expertise: Graduate medical education, teaching improvement in medical education.
Previously elected Officers and Regents
In addition to the 2011-2012 Chair-elect Board of Regents and new Regents, the President-elect and incumbent Regents have also been elected. The profiles of these individuals appeared previously in the November 2010 ACP Internist. They are as follows:
2011-2012 President-elect:
David L. Bronson, FACP, Cleveland
Incumbent Regents:
Robert M. Centor, FACP, Huntsville, Ala.
Charles Cutler, FACP, Merion Station, Pa.
Kesavan Kutty, MACP, FCCP, FRCP (L), Milwaukee