March 2011

Learning to parry patient requests
Negotiating the doctor-patient relationship requires understanding what a patient expects from treatment, instead of outright saying “no.” There are easier ways to sort out what a request really means, and how to quickly address the real underlying issue.
Treat metabolic syndrome's many components
Metabolic syndrome's prevalence has rapidly advanced in just the past decade. But medical societies don't recommend treating it as a distinct entity. They'd rather that physicians address the individual components of the illness, and encourage lifestyle modifications as the primary way to achieve such a goal.
Simple tools, teamwork manage depression in primary care
Embedding mental health professionals directly into a primary care setting threatens to add complexity to primary care's already hefty ‘to do” list. Clinics that have accomplished that task explain how not only was it easier than expected, but it adds tremendous benefits to the practice.
Why and how to monitor hypertension at home
Home measurement of high blood pressure overcomes variability inherent in office measurements, delivers better assessment of systolic pressure (and hence, of possible cardiovascular events) and offers a better chance of discontinuing drug therapy.
Group visits bring focus and control to hypertension
A VA center reduced uncontrolled hypertension rates by implementing group visits. The program allowed physicians to titrate medicine to efficacy, and then motivated patients to remain involved and compliant with therapy.
How to say no
With the rise of direct-to-consumer advertising and the easy availability of medical information on the Internet, it's more common than ever for patients to come to a doctor's appointment with specific requests for treatment or tests, and expect to receive them.
Letters to the Editor
Readers respond about SGR fix, sinusitis approaches, and hospitalist##ndash;physician communication.
ACP chapters offer myriad opportunities for involvement
ACP's chapters form the core of member involvement with the organization, as well as offer benefits in networking, learning and managing.
‘Rationing’ charge prevents real discourse on health care costs
Critics have unfairly attacked health care reform. But proponents haven't been straightforward about its costs. The truth involves how resources get allocated.
Start preparing now for ICD-10's looming requirements
The new code set is much larger and will impact not only office staff but vendors. It's now time to start preparing for the transition, which is closer than you think.
Complete version 5010 before starting ICD-10
Offices must convert to a new electronic standard format, called version 5010, befor they can implement ICD-10 in their offices. End-to-end testing must be complete by the end of the year.
Internal Medicine 2011 offers several new pre-courses
New offerings at ACP's annual meeting will include learning how to use portable ultrasound technology, the anatomy behind and diagnoses of common orthopedic complains, and an expanded neurological course including headache, dizziness and stroke.
Officer and Regent election results announced
Election results include the Chair-elect, Board of Regents, two new regents and the Chair-elect Designee, Board of Governors.
MKSAP Quiz: Red, scaly skin lesions
A 37-year-old man is evaluated for a 4-month history of progressively worsening red, scaly lesions involving the scalp, trunk, and extremities. During the past month, he also has had pain in the hands and feet and has lost 4.5 kg (10.0 lb). Aspirin and acetaminophen have helped to relieve his joint symptoms. He does not drink alcoholic beverages, has no other medical problems, and takes no additional medications. He denies allergies. He has sex with men and women and uses condoms inconsistently. What diagnostic studies should be performed next in this patient?.