January 2011

Miserable symptoms mark chronic sinusitis
Chronic sinusitis, an illness that can feel as symptomatically miserable as congestive heart failure or rheumatoid arthritis, is often misdiagnosed or underdiagnosed. But distinctive clues can lead internists to deliver the right treatment.
PCPs, hospitalists work at communication
Closer relationships between primary care physicians and hospitalists and resulting improvements in patient care are achievable with relatively little effort.
Speaking of cancer: Tips on how to convey risks to patients
How physicians express cancer risks to patients determines how they might use that knowledge to make decisions about genetics, family history and potential future screens and tests.
New research creates debates on calcium's benefits vs. risks
It has been a longstanding assumption in medicine that calcium, to paraphrase the milk commercial, does a body good.
When you look, but don't see the diagnosis
Gradual yet significant change in a woman's appearance, first noticed by a daughter she hadn't seen for a year, leads to the diagnosis of a common yet frequently missed ailment. Why hadn't those who'd seen the woman daily noticed anything? Intuitive vs. deliberative thought processes made all the difference.
Diagnosis, treatment of chronic sinusitis present challenges
Chronic sinusitis can make a patient's life miserable, but it's often a difficult diagnosis to parse.
Letters to the Editor
Readers respond about medical marijuana, mindful medicine, pharmaceutical reps, and more.
Medical home model might be health care's next great change
The patient-centered medical home might be health care next transformational innovation, one that will allow primary care to survive and thrive.
Influencing the details of health reform so internists get paid
It is often said that people don't see the forest for the trees, obsessing on the details instead of the big picture.
Practice achieves NCQA's highest recognition without an EMR
An internal medicine practice followed evidence-based diabetes care guidelines and achieve honors from the National Committee on Quality Assurance, despite not yet having an electronic medical record. A lot of thinking and a dedicated team went into how the group's paperwork was able to accomplish the same goals.
New billing codes for ‘subsequent observation care’ services
Internists can use new procedure codes to be paid for the increasingly common service of evaluation and managing a patient after their admission to observation status in a hospital.
Understanding EHR certification
Selecting an EHR system for your practice involves sorting through vendors touting the certification of their products.
Fall chapter awards
Chapters honor Members, Fellows, and Masters of ACP who have demonstrated by their example and conduct an abiding commitment to excellence in medical care, education, research, or service to their community, their chapter, and ACP.
MKSAP Quiz: Gradually progressive dyspnea
A 74-year-old man is evaluated for a five-year history of gradually progressive dyspnea and dry cough without wheezing or hemoptysis. For the past 2 years he has had pain and occasional swelling in both knees. Physical examination shows no digital clubbing or cyanosis. What is the most likely diagnosis?.