January 2010

Rethinking the value of the annual exam
Patients expect it and internists won't let it go. But does the evidence support the need for the periodic health exam? Experts weigh in on the value of regularly seeing a patient on a preventive basis.
Expert explains thyroid diagnosis, treatment and common red flags
The estimate that 25 million people have thyroid problems would double if the normal range was adjusted, as some medical societies suggest. In this Web-only feature, Victor Bernet, FACP, the author of MKSAP 15's chapter on disorders of the thyroid gland, offers his insights into management.
Clinicians crucial to avoiding coding errors
Beware believing that coding isn't an important part of an internist's job. What gets overlooked could cost a significant amount if errors go unchecked, especially in the era of Recovery Audit Contractors.
Get time on your side: expert tips to eliminate waiting
Resolve to solve the waiting-room back-ups. Find out where the practice falls behind and implement solutions, including time studies, prior preparation and using medical assistants to their highest level of practice.
Ketorolac, Liposyn recalled for particulate contamination
A summary of approvals, recalls, warnings and alerts digested by ACP Internist from the Food and Drug Administration's alerts.
What to do when one expects everything to fit, but it doesn't
James Hennessey, FACP, reports on a young woman's elevated testosterone level, and how he made a diagnosis even though the lab results and imaging conflicted. Our diagnostic experts consider confirmation bias and how this internist sidestepped being misled.
A better Board of Regents for a better health care system
ACP's Board of Regents will reorganize to meet the future needs of the organization.
Political perils of cost control complicate health care reform
Even if health reform passes, the problem of rising costs will not go away. And politicians cannot confront the fundamental issue that Americans can't have all the health care they want.
Beyond the annual physical
It's a new year, and promises to be an exciting one in health care. But concepts such as bundled payments, comparative effectiveness and the patient-centered medical home seem certain to remain center stage.
CMS dramatically changes CPT consultation billing for 2010
CMS no longer recognizes CPT consultation codes 99241-99255 for consultations. ACP's practice management staff explain how to bill for outpatient and inpatient visit codes.
Chapter Awardees
In recognition of their outstanding service, these exceptional individuals received chapter awards in November and December 2010.
MKSAP quiz: Diagnose progressive leg pain upon exercising
A 27-year-old man is evaluated for leg pain. The patient is moderately obese (BMI=33) and had been sedentary until recently, when he joined a health club. However, after only a few minutes on the treadmill, he develops progressive pain in both his legs that resolves after a few minutes with rest. What is the most likely diagnosis?.
Influenza featured at infectious disease meeting
A summary of approvals, recalls, warnings and alerts digested by ACP Internist from the Food and Drug Administration's alerts.