What's new in ACP Hospitalist
What's new in ACP Hospitalist and other College publications, including nutritional support in the hospital and the release of free ACP Summer Session recordings.
Internists considering or actively planning a switch to hospital medicine can subscribe for free upon request to ACP Hospitalist, the College's monthly magazine reporting on trends in hospital medicine. Featured in the current issue:
Nutritional support. Think of food as a drug a therapy that's critical to helping hospitalized patients get better. On average, patients on enteral feeding get only half the nutritional support they need. You wouldn't provide only half a patient's antibiotics, so why overlook feeding? Also, test yourself with the MKSAP quiz on nutrition.

Who's this temporary surgeon? With general surgeons in increasingly short supply, more hospitals will have to bring in temporary surgeons to help fill the demand. As locum tenens pass through the operating room, hospitalists increasingly will be caring for their patients.
Avoid medical mistakes. Practical tips for dealing with interruptions, haste, distractions and multitasking that lead to dire medical consequences.
ACP Hospitalist is distributed free of charge to individuals involved in hospital medicine. For a free subscription, contact ACP Customer Service at 800-227-1915 or 215-351-2600 (9 a.m. to 5 p.m. ET) or send an e-mail. To subscribe, request ACP Hospitalist using promo code GAD.
What's new in other College publications
Annals of Internal Medicine
Sept. 1
- The Net Clinical Benefit of Warfarin Anticoagulation in Atrial Fibrillation
- Effects of a Mediterranean-Style Diet on the Need for Antihyperglycemic Drug Therapy in Patients with Newly Diagnosed Type 2 Diabetes. A Randomized Trial
- The Geographic Distribution, Ownership, Prices, and Scope of Practice at Retail Clinics
- Comparing Costs and Quality of Care at Retail Clinics with That of Other Medical Settings for 3 Common Illnesses
Sept. 15
- Case Management for Depression by Health Care Assistants in Small Primary Care Practices. A Randomized Trial
- Ambulatory Care among Young Adults in the United States
- Assessing the Net Value of Health Care for Patients with Type 2 Diabetes, 1997-2005
ACP Summer Session audio recordings with synchronized slides from all sessions are now available free to ACP members. ACP Summer Session was a two-day CME event that covered key topics and management strategies in the areas of cardiology, diabetes, pulmonary diseases, and neurological diseases. CME credit is not offered with these recordings.