What's new in other College publications
What's new in ACP Hospitalist and other College publications.
What's new in ACP Hospitalist
Internists considering or actively planning a switch to hospital medicine can subscribe for free upon request to ACP Hospitalist, the College's monthly magazine reporting on trends in hospital medicine. Featured in the current issue:

Part-time careers. While hospitalists typically go part-time in the interest of work-life balance, employers are hoping that offering part-time and flexible schedules will give them an edge in a tough recruiting market and help them retain valuable employees.
Job hunting and the economy. The economic downturn is affecting recruiters and job-seekers alike. Employers want more productivity from staff, while hospitalists are focused on the perils of switching jobs in a gloomy housing market.
Capturing charges on the go. Handheld coding tools save about 30 minutes a day in paperwork and capture the estimated 5-20% of services that may be missed as hospitalists try to keep track of 15, 20 or even more patients spread across different floors or units.
To receive your free subscription to ACP Hospitalist , contact ACP Customer Service at 800-227-1915 or 215-351-2600 (9 a.m. to 5 p.m. ET) or send an e-mail.
What's new in other College publications
ACP Foundation
Due to the recent outbreak of H1N1 influenza, the ACP Foundation, in collaboration with ACP, developed Swine Flu HEALTH TiPS. A Spanish version is in development and will be available soon. Copies are available online.
HEALTH TiPS contain important information to help manage health. They are developed at or below a fifth-grade reading level in English and Spanish. The clinical content is evidence-based and tested with patients.
ACP Press
More than 40 books published by ACP Press are now available for purchase in digital format. Visitors can search the full text of an entire book, view sample pages online before making a purchase, and purchase digital copies of books at reduced “eBook” prices.
Annals of Internal Medicine
“Landmark Papers in Internal Medicine: The First 80 Years of Annals of Internal Medicine “ presents a selection of 33 groundbreaking papers chosen by experts from among the pioneering, influential and most-cited articles published in Annals . Each article is introduced by commentary from a distinguished expert who discusses the article's importance at the time it was published, how it shaped patient treatment or influenced medical practice, and how the knowledge continues to be significant today. “Landmark Papers” can be ordered online. or by phone at 800-227-1915, ext 2600 (weekdays, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. ET).
MKSAP 15® Pretest Program launches
ACP has an immediate need for physicians to complete tests from the 15th edition of the Medical Knowledge Self-Assessment Program® (MKSAP 15) before the program is published on July 31. To participate in this program, please visit online. Participants will also receive a 7% discount toward a MKSAP 15 purchase for each of the five pretests submitted, for a maximum of 35%. This discount would be in addition to the 10% prepublication discount you would receive if you ordered the program prior to July 31. Test submissions will be accepted on a first come, first served basis and will no longer be accepted after the needed number of submissions for each test has been reached. All pretests must be completed by June 23.