What's new in other College publications
Including expanded online diabetes management offerings and MKSAP updates.
ACP Diabetes Portal

The ACP Diabetes Portal, a site that was developed to assist the entire clinical care team in ensuring high-quality care of patients with diabetes, has recently been redesigned to add additional features. Visitors to the site can now rate the nearly 500 different resources for overall value as well as post comments and participate in threaded discussions about a variety of issues related to diabetes care. In addition to these enhancements, the site is continually updated with new research articles, guidelines, clinical tools, and point-of-care decision support.
ACP Hospitalist
January's cover story of ACP Hospitalist highlights antimicrobial stewardship programs, aka superbug teams, to wage a war against drug-resistant infections.
ACP Press
As part of a series of books on teaching, ACP Press is collecting stories of memorable teaching moments. The first book in the series, to be published in 2010, will be a collection of vignettes about unforgettable moments in medical education, described by teachers or learners. Vignettes should be no more than 1,000 words. Submissions can be anonymous. Samples and submissions are available online.

ACP QUEST now offers Closing the Gap: Diabetes Care, an online, practice-based, team-oriented quality improvement program dedicated to teaching physician practice teams how to create systems change using the chronic care model and to implement quality improvement plans in a medical setting. A customized “to do” list organizes work through each step of the process, such as entry of abstracted patient data, input of progress reports, and receipt of feedback on your performance. Data, reports, and a plethora of interactive resources are easily accessible and manageable from within this single system. This module is being made available free through an unrestricted educational grant from Novo Nordisk and participants are being accepted on a rolling basis. The Closing the Gap programs have been accepted by the American Board of Internal Medicine as eligible for Part 4 Maintenance of Certification credit. Physicians are also awarded traditional and practice-based CME.
Annals of Internal Medicine
From the pages of Annals of Internal Medicine...
- Effectiveness of colonoscopy for prevention of mortality from colorectal cancer
- Association between statin use and risk of keratinocyte carcinomas in the Veterans Affairs Topical Tretinoin Chemoprevention Trial
- Multicenter study of community-acquired, hospital-acquired, and healthcare-associated pneumonia in hospitalized patients in IM wards
- CDC immunization guidelines
- In the Clinic
- Cellulitis and Soft-Tissue Infections
The fourth MKSAP 14 Self-Assessment Update released Dec. 31, adding new questions for its modules on Infectious Disease, Pulmonary Medicine and Critical Care, General Internal Medicine, Endocrinology and Metabolism and Nephrology. New multiple-choice questions that test your knowledge of recent changes and best practices in medicine and qualifies for 5 AMA PRA Category 1 Credits™. The MKSAP 14 Self-Assessment Updates are FREE to MKSAP 14 Complete subscribers and $59 to all other MKSAP 14 subscribers. They can be downloaded.