November/December 2008

Gender gap increases women's heart risks
Nearly half the time, the first clue a physician gets that a woman has heart disease is that she drops dead. Updated guidelines now dictate physicians should first screen for a woman's risk factors for heart disease by age 20.
‘Gently does it,’ caring for adults with autism
With autism rates at 1 in 150, you can be absolutely sure you have patients with autism in your practice. Practical tips ease transitions from pediatric care into adulthood, and easier ways to examine, care for and understand autistic patients.
Primary care works in cooperative, close-knit North Dakota
Eccentricities and efficiencies make North Dakota rise to the top quartiles of health care rankings for access, quality, use, equity and outcomes.
Our new Web site and blog offer more news, more often
A digest of this month's issue, including the launching of our new Web site, women and heart disease, and how the “nice” people in North Dakota achieved better health care through cooperation.
Anchoring errors ensue when diagnoses get lost in translation
In two cases, a patient's use of key words led to anchoring errors in diagnosing an abdominal aortic aneurism and a classic case of intermittent claudication.
‘Futile to whom?’ challenges views on reasonable recovery
A reader responds to a previous column that addresses how health care providers handle life-saving medical treatment despite no hope for recovery.
MKSAP Case study: ischemic cardiomyopathy
A 50-year-old black man with ischemic cardiomyopathy presents for a routine follow-up. His medical history is significant for biventricular pacemaker/cardioverter-defibrilator placement and diabetes mellitus. Which medication should be added?.
Simple family history acts as a genetic test for skin cancer
Melanoma rate shave been rising, and while genetic tests are available for high-risk patients, a family history is a better way to identify patients who need potentially life-saving surveillance.
Strengthen primary care to heal the U.S. health care system
Internists need to keep elected officials on-track for reforming health care.
What will it take to fix the broken reimbursement system?
Align physician reimbursement to compensate for the best possible patient care coordination.
What's new in other College publications
ACP Hospitalist, ACP mobile content, ACP Press, and ACP QI programs.
Billing for interactions with a patient's family, caregivers
More than 44 million Americans care for an adult family member or friend. Physicians often discuss patient care with these people and may bill appropriately.
To catch a thief (before theft happens)
Don't let employee theft happen to you. Simple internal controls and checks prevent temptation.
Podcast engages medical bloggers in a virtual talk show
An internist/blogger creates a talk-show format for his podcasts to link internists with one another.
FDA bans dozens of generics from entering U.S. for quality
The latest recalls, warnings, label changes and approvals from the Food and Drug Administration.
Put words in our mouth
ACP Internist conducts a cartoon caption contest monthly through its e-newsletter, ACP InternistWeekly and online. Readers suggest captions for different cartoons and can vote online for their favorites to help select a winner, who receives a prize.
Letters to the Editor
ACP Hospitalist, ACP mobile content, ACP Press, and ACP QI programs.
Nominees named for ACP Officers and Regent positions
The Nominations Committee of the American College of Physicians places nominations for President-elect, regents, and others.
Chapter Awardees
Chapters honor Members, Fellows, and Masters of ACP who have demonstrated by their example and conduct an abiding commitment to excellence in medical care, education, research, or service to their community, their chapter, and ACP.
Member spotlight
Former Regent Barbara Schuster, MACP, accepted an appointment as founding Campus Dean of a new medical school.