September 2008

Post-war, vets face new battle with PTSD
While the military screens soldiers returning from combat, post-traumatic stress disorder can show up months or years after, when the person may have left the military health system and returned to private care.
E-prescribing order hits unprepared internists
Congressional mandates to tip internists to use e-prescribing could backfire, say experts who have tried—and sometimes failed—to incorporate the technology into their offices.
Mandate puts e-prescribing on front burner
A digest of this month's issue, including the mandate that puts e-prescribing on front burner.
Mindful Medicine: Don't let emotion impede right diagnosis
A case study shows how affective errors can lead to a missed diagnosis, by Jerome Groopman, FACP and Pamela Hartzband, FACP.
Son's plea to prolong life at any cost sparks ethical quandary
Physicians aren't obligated to provide end-of-life care that is ineffective or harmful, by Lachlan Forrow, FACP.
Target unique genetic diseases through common pathways
Marfan syndrome may benefit from angiotension receptor blockers, just one example of how genetic diseases can be cured by available drugs instead of genetic cures, by W. Gregory Feero, MD, PhD.
MKSAP case study: menorrhagia
A MKSAP case study of menorrhagia marks the return of this popular feature to ACP Internist.
Patients, generalists and subspecialists all gain from PCMH
When discussing the PCMH as a model for delivering health care in the U.S. three questions commonly arise.
What this year's Medicare battle portends for health care
The Medicare Improvements for Patients and Providers Act of 2008 (H.R. 6331) was a huge victory for ACP and its allies.
Letter to the Editor
A reader reacts to ethics surrounding civilian and war-time prisoner containment.
What's new in other College publications
ACP Hospitalist, ACP Press, Annals In the Clinic, MKSAP, and more.
Update ICD-9 coding materials now to meet October deadline
Every summer, the CDC's National Center for Health Statistics announces changes to the ICD-9-CM and the new codes go into effect Oct. 1.
Clearing up confusion about choosing EHRs
An interesting phenomenon occurred on the exhibit floor at Internal Medicine 2008.
Endo ‘08: new research ignites debate about best A1C goals
From diabetes and dyslipidemia to hormones and hirsutism, the Endocrine Society's 90th annual meeting in San Francisco last June was a wellspring of new information and fresh debate.
Improving your patient's health without hurting the planet
As evidence mounts about the effects of environmental degradation on all patients' health, many physicians are making simple and environmentally friendly changes to their practices.
Hospitalist doesn't hold back on blog about rural medicine
Theresa Chan, MD, really knows how to put her money where her mouth is.
Warnings on fluoroquinolones, antipsychotics, becaplermin
Recalls, warnings, and approvals.
Candidates split on staying with employer health coverage
Employer-based coverage is the backbone of the current U.S. health insurance system. Is that a good or bad thing?.
Steady increase in number of obese adults drove sharp rise in overweight population since 1980
The prevalance of overweight and obesity changed little between the early 1960s and 1976-1980.
ACP program introduces leadership skills to young members
ACP's LEAD program (Leadership Enhancement and Development) grew out of the realization that training physicians in leadership skills would benefit both physicians and the College.