Internal Medicine 2008 melds new programs and politics

A wrap-up of events at ACP's annual meeting held in May in Washington, DC.

Internal Medicine 2008 in Washington, D.C. was unique in many ways. It was held in the nation's capital for the first time and coincided with Leadership Day. The meeting attracted more than 6,000 attendees and featured many new programs and attractions.

Leadership Day attracted unprecedented participation by more than 500 members who lobbied their congress people to vote for changes in Medicare's payment system and promote adoption of the patient-centered medical home.

The Herbert S. Waxman Clinical Skills Center hosted more than 3,000 attendees at expanded seminars or new programs, such as “Neurological Evaluation of the Comatose Patient.”

The Job Placement Center hosted 193 job offerings. Interviews were held at the center by health care employers and job seekers were provided information on the ACP Career Connection, where they could search for jobs, post a CV and sign up for early job alerts post-meeting.

ACP Internist launched a blog, updating events and notable happenings throughout the day. The blog continues year-round. .

A memorable convocation at Internal Medicine 2008 inducted 658 new Fellows and 47 Masters into the College
A memorable convocation at Internal Medicine 2008 inducted 658 new Fellows and 47 Masters into the College.

Paul A Selecky FACP left guides a hands-on course about properly using inhalers and oxygen delivery devices
Paul A. Selecky, FACP, (left) guides a hands-on course about properly using inhalers and oxygen delivery devices.

Oksana I Anand ACP Associate Member of Overland Park Kansas presents her poster
Oksana I. Anand, ACP Associate Member, of Overland Park, Kansas, presents her poster.

The Illinois Southern Chapters team from Southern Illinois University won this years ACP Doctors Dilemma competition
The Illinois Southern Chapter's team from Southern Illinois University won this year's ACP Doctor's Dilemma™ competition.

Students practice networking and gather essential information about the residency application process and the Match at the Fourth Annual Residency Fair
Students practice networking and gather essential information about the residency application process and the Match at the Fourth Annual Residency Fair.

Neesha R Berry ACP Member left and Melanie G Hanna-Johnson ACP Member network at the reception for African-American physicians
Neesha R. Berry, ACP Member, (left) and Melanie G. Hanna-Johnson, ACP Member, network at the reception for African-American physicians.

ACP conducted its Recruit-a-Colleague raffle at Internal Medicine 2008 The winner Mitsunori Iwase FACP of Japan won a trip to Internal Medicine 2009 in Philadelphia including registration four
ACP conducted its Recruit-a-Colleague raffle at Internal Medicine 2008. The winner, Mitsunori Iwase, FACP, of Japan, won a trip to Internal Medicine 2009 in Philadelphia, including registration, four nights of hotel accommodations and airfare up to $500. Shown are last year's winner, Anke Hacker, MD, of Norfolk, Vir. and John Mitas, FACP, selecting the winning entry.