Put words in our mouth
Readers submit their wit by providing captions for cartoons. The latest winner is...
ACP Internist conducts a cartoon caption contest monthly through its e-newsletter, ACP InternistWeekly. Readers suggest captions for different cartoons and can vote online for their favorites to help select a winner, who receives a prize.

Three people submitted July's winning caption separately, so each will share in the prize: Paul D. Wentland, ACP Member, a consultant for Unum, an employee benefits provider, in Chattanooga, Tenn.; Scott Lauter, ACP Member, the managing director of Medical Associates of Lancaster in Lancaster, Pa.; and Bharat Khandheria, FACP, an associate professor of internal medicine at the Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center in Amarillo. They each received a gift certificate good for any ACP product, program or service.