ACP Highlights: What's new in other College publications

Senators Clinton's and Obama's split over mandating coverage distinguishes them from one another, but does that difference matter?.

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ACP Hospitalist

Suggest a colleague as a Hospitalist of the Year

ACP Hospitalist is seeking candidates for its first annual Hospitalists of the Year issue. To nominate a colleague who made notable contributions to the field in 2008, whether through cost savings, improved work flow, patient safety, leadership, mentorship or quality improvement, readers can fill out the online form. All recommendations must be received by July 14, 2008. Hospitalists of the Year will be profiled in our November 2008 issue.

May's cover story: Hospitals tighten rules on gifts, meals, education from pharma

Some institutions, mainly academic medical centers, are taking a newer, hard-line approach to physicians' relationships with pharma. May's cover story looks at some of these new policies as well as the potential impact of this growing movement.

June's cover story will address recent studies that found stroke patients admitted to the hospital at night and on the weekends are more likely to die than those admitted on weekdays. ACP Hospitalist will examine the reasons why mortality might vary at different times of the day and week, then looks at how hospitals can change their procedures to help minimize this difference.

ACP mobile devices

Test your knowledge in a variety of disciplines with this new online game based on the popular ACP Doctor's Dilemma™ Competition from the ACP's annual Internal Medicine meetings. The game is simple to play and all you'll need is a Web browser. Because this product was designed using standards for mobile content, all devices equipped with a Web browser are supported, including mobile smartphones and PDAs like Windows Mobile devices and Palm OS devices. An active Internet connection is required to play, but there is nothing to download or install. Learn more online.


A dengue fever outbreak in Brazil has led ACP to offer for free its module on the prevention, diagnosis and management of dengue fever, dengue hemorrhagic fever and dengue shock syndrome. The module may prove helpful to physicians and other health professionals involved in the care of patients with this deadly mosquito-borne disease. Given the gravity of the situation, the College is making this module freely available online.

PIER offers Web-based evidence-based clinical guidance in a unique layered and telegraphic format designed for rapid access to clinical information at the point of care by physicians and other health care providers. In its 480 modules, PIER covers not only individual diseases but also topics in legal medicine and ethics, complementary and alternative medicine, and common procedures, as well as screening and prevention.