Musical ACP members juggle conference with performance

ACP seeks workshop topics, and chapter awardees are honored.

1-min read

Musically inclined ACP members will juggle their schedules at Internal Medicine ‘08 with a musical performance they offer annually as members of the VA-National Medical Musical Group (MMG).

The VA-National Medical Musical Group played a September 2007 concert at the National Shrine
The VA-National Medical Musical Group played a September 2007 concert at the National Shrine.

This year's concert was deliberately scheduled to allow ACP members a chance to see the free performance the night before the conference starts. The performance, the 2008 Congressional Veterans and Military Appreciation Concert, is given annually to the U.S. Congress. The program is at 8 p.m. on May 14 at the Basilica of the National Shrine of Immaculate Conception in Washington, D.C. Admission is free, and transportation will be available for a fee.

MMG is made up of health care professionals from VA, military and other medical centers and schools, so the show requires that the performers arrive the weekend before the conference to squeeze in rehearsals.

MMG's founder, Victor S. Wahby, FACP, Director of Health Communications for the Veterans Health Administration, encouraged IM ‘08 attendees to attend the program. Dr. Wahby added, “If you are a good singer or play an instrument well, contact MMG's office. There are still openings in the chorale and symphony orchestra. You may end up attending the concert stage side!”

Other ACP members in the show include David Law, FACP, a former ACP Governor, a member of the concert organizing committee and singer, and Omega Silva, MACP, also a member of the concert committee.