Letters to the Editor

Kudos for cosmetics and for ACP's Women in Medicine project.

Cosmetic critics off base

I have read the recent commentaries in response to the article on cosmetic procedures [“Adding cosmetic procedures lifts internists' sagging incomes, “ ACP Internist, February 2008], and I too am shocked. Let me say that ACP is doing a great job aggressively pushing to preserve our stature and income. No one is giving up our calling or giving in to demeaning ourselves by performing new procedures, of which very few are even available for internists to perform.

We are not the ones who set up a system that inadequately rewards cognitive work. We all need some diversity, new interests and professional renewal to continue doing what we do. How are we ever going to attract new, young internists if we are not honest with ourselves about what makes for a successful practice and lifelong career?

I believe ACP is sensitive to the fact that we are not a simple homogenized group. Enlightening all members as to what is positive for some allows us all to extol the benefits of being an internist in so many more ways. I don't do cosmetic procedures, but I am proud to be part of a specialty that affords me the opportunity to learn and do more if I so choose.

Richard L. Weinberger, FACP
Waverly, Pa.

Women in medicine lauded

I have just enjoyed reading through the Women in Medicine feature for this month [“A woman in medicine reflects on philanthropic leadership,” ACP Internist, March 2008]. It is delightful to read the thoughts of the women on your panel and the articles from IMpact. The history was neat and I especially enjoyed the listing of the early women leaders. It is important to show how relatively recent it is that women started to be visible in the leadership ranks of the ACP. The receptivity of the college for a needed change has always been impressive to me.

Keep up the good work on this publication.

Mary T. Herald, MACP
Summit, N.J.