April 2008

Telemedicine connects remote areas with care
Modern medicine is dramatically cutting the distance that patients must travel, even for severe injuries. Consulting by telemedicine reduces delays, improves patient outcomes and brings health care to areas that otherwise wouldn't have it.
Is the generation gap a growth opportunity?
Younger physicians enter medical school and their careers with a much different take on work-life balance than their teachers, mentors and employers. But each generation brings strengths to the workplace.
‘Preventive ethics' come into play when a DNR is confusing
A case study examines how a hospitalist handled confusing and conflicting demands placed by a do-not-resuscitate order.
Editor's Note: Family ties help close the generation gap
Washington, D.C., is lending not just a location but also a theme to many of the offerings at Internal Medicine 2008.
Letters to the Editor
Kudos for cosmetics and for ACP's Women in Medicine project.
Cartoon Caption Contest: Put words in our mouth
Every spring, contingents of ACP members from around the country converge on Capitol Hill for Leadership Day.
Compared to mustard plants, humans have yet to ‘ketchup’
New sights and sounds will greet visitors to the Herbert S. Waxman Clinical Skills Center.
Highlights in April from other ACP publications
ACP's staff in Washington, D.C., have years of experience in helping shape national health policy, but for them the dining is all local.
Managing risk: a little attention equals a lot of prevention
Things to do in DC while you're at Internal Medicine 2008.
When and how to use new phone and Internet E/M coding
There are three new codes for providing E/M over the telephone and one new code for E/M services provided via Internet resources.
A road map can guide locum tenens travels
Working as a locum tenens has become more alluring to physicians with varying levels of experience.
The best self-management is ‘specific, do-able and realistic’
Second in a three-part series: Simple ways to engage patients in their own health care.
Barrett's esophagus: screening guidelines are in flux over reflux
Barrett's esophagus, which is associated with chronic gastroesophageal reflux disease and is sometimes a precursor to cancer.
Capital location inspires political theme for annual meeting
Washington, D.C., is lending not just a location but also a theme to many of the offerings at Internal Medicine 2008.
Mentoring and networking at IM 2008
Celebrate, learn, network, or relax with these special programs at Internal Medicine 2008.
Doctors lobby for health care reform on Leadership Day
Every spring, contingents of ACP members from around the country converge on Capitol Hill for Leadership Day.
Hands-on learning is the new Clinical Skills Center's mission
New sights and sounds will greet visitors to the Herbert S. Waxman Clinical Skills Center.
Food and fun available in the nation's capital
ACP's staff in Washington, D.C., have years of experience in helping shape national health policy, but for them the dining is all local.
Out and about: D.C.'s neighborhoods, exhibits and monuments
Things to do in DC while you're at Internal Medicine 2008.
Musical ACP members juggle conference with performance
ACP seeks workshop topics, and chapter awardees are honored.
ACP Master aims to make a difference in the public's health
Griffin P. Rodgers, MACP.
Fentanyl pain-relief patches recalled for packaging defect
Warnings, recalls, label changes, and approvals.
Dear blog, my patients are nuts. Signed, anonymous
At the drive-up pharmacy, you hear the woman complaining about the size of her Lipitor co-payment. Then you spy a half-eaten Big Mac languishing on her dashboard.
Presidential candidates need to leap generation gaps
Do generational differences affect presidential politics?.
Diversity of medical students by parental income
The American Association of Medical Colleges reported a recent rise in the number of medical school graduates who come from families with incomes in the highest quintile.
ACP's widely cited paper on universal access grew out of intensive policy development process
Achieving consensus on complicated policy issues to produce meaningful, evidence-based policy presents a significant challenge for large membership organizations like ACP.
Passing the Baton to ACP's next president
After completing my year as President of the College, it is time to pass the baton.